Waymond J. Barnhart 56, of Jacksonville passed away on Friday, April 7,2017. He was born on August 31,1960 to the late Raymond Barnhart and Louise Swayze.
He is survived by his two daughters, Samantha Barnhart, McKayla Barnhart; and two sons, Waymond Timothy Barnhart and Zachary Bender; and fiancé Carrie Boner; two granddaughters, Brittney Coast and Kayla Barnhart; two sisters, Patricia Allen (Rick) and Wanda Holloman (Marvin); and one brother, Dewayne Barnhart (Carrie) and long-time friend Kim Hopkins.
Waymond enjoyed calling the Hogs and watching football. He was a great father and amazing grandfather and loved his granddaughters more than anything.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday April 18, 2017 from 6- 8 pm at A Natural State Funeral Service, 2620 West Main Street, Jacksonville, Arkansas, 72076. 501-982-3400
Barnhart Family Sorry to hear of your loss, my throughts and prayers will be with each one of you!! May the love of GOD surround you all during this time!
Dad I’m going to miss you so much. You was not only a best friend but you was everything n more. I’ll make sure your legacy will continue thru my kids and their kids. I know you ant hurting like you was before you was taken home. I love you my sweet daddy and I’ll miss you like crazy but I know you are with me everywhere I go.
Mr. Barnhart, better known to me as “Shorty”. It was a pleasure getting to know you over the past three months. It’s been a charm serving as your landlond. You are one of the residents who stood out in an amazing way. I’ll miss seeing you on the porch in the mornings. Enjoy your rest in the Lord. RIP
My throughts and prayers are with each of the family. May the love of god surround you during this time. Samantha I’m sorry for your loss of your father stay strong and god bless you!!
Wanda & Pat,
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. Our thoughts and prayers with be with you and,your families.
Shorty AKA short dawg! You are truly going to be missed. I am so glad we had the bond we had and don’t worry it will live on through me and your babies. You were not only a brother to me, but you were a ride or die friend that had my back regardless of the situation. Give my mom a hug around the neck and tell her I love her. Love you, your sis Kimberly AKA kimbo only few will get this next saying, but it will always bring a smile to my face…”i hear ya knocking, but you can’t come in” RIL
Hey pops it’s been 4 years without you and all I can say is it has gotten harder every day I miss you more and more and so much more everyday !! It sucks not having you around and I wish you was still with me but I’ll see you around pops. I love you
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